
Table of Contents

On Executing Types

A type in Neut is compiled into a pointer to a binary function like the below (pseudo-code):

define discard-or-copy-value(action-selector, value) {
  if eq-int(action-selector, 0) {
  } else {
    let new-value = copy-value(value) in

These functions are then used to discard/copy values when necessary.

Discarding Values

Let's see how types are executed when discarding values. For example, consider the following code:

define foo(xs: list(int)): unit {

Note that the variable xs isn't used. Because of that, the compiler translates the code above into the below (pseudo-code; won't typecheck):

define foo(xs: list(int)): unit {
  let f = list(int) in
  f(0, xs); // passing `0` to discard `xs`

Note that the above example executes the type list(int) as a function.

Copying Values

Let's see how types are executed when copying values. For example, consider the following code:

define foo(!xs: list(int)): unit {
  some-func(!xs, !xs)

Note that the variable !xs is used twice. Because of that, the compiler translates the above code into the below (pseudo-code; won't typecheck):

define foo(!xs: list(int)): unit {
  let f = list(int) in
  let xs-clone = f(1, !xs) in // passing `1` to copy `xs`
  some-func(xs-clone, !xs)

Note that the above example executes the type list(int) as a function.

You must prefix a variable with ! if the variable needs to be copied. You must also prefix free variables in a term-level define with ! if they cannot be copied for free.

The prefix ! is unnecessary if the variable can be copied for free.

On Immediate Values

We don't have to discard immediates like integers or floats because their internal representations don't depend on memory-related operations like malloc or free. Because of that, "discarding" immediate values does nothing. Also, "copying" immediate values means reusing original values.

More specifically, the type of an immediate is compiled into a pointer to the following function (pseudo-code):

inline discard-or-copy-immediate(selector, value) {
  if eq-int(selector, 0) {
    0     // discard: we have nothing to do on `value`
  } else {
    value // copy: we can simply reuse the immediate `value`

These fake discarding/copying are optimized away at compile-time.

Also, this function is internally called "base.#.imm". Try compiling your project as follows:

neut build TARGET --emit llvm --skip-link

Then, take a peek at the build directory. You'll find the name here and there.

Since every type is translated into a pointer to a function, a type is an immediate value. Thus, type is compiled into base.#.imm.

Allocation Canceling

Thanks to its static nature, memory allocation in Neut can sometimes be optimized away. Consider the following code:

data int-list {
| Nil
| Cons(int, int-list)

// [1, 5, 9] => [2, 6, 10]
define increment(xs: int-list): int-list {
  match xs {
  | Nil =>
  // ↓ the `Cons` clause
  | Cons(x, rest) =>
    Cons(add-int(x, 1), increment(rest))

The expected behavior of the Cons clause above would be something like the following:

  1. obtain x and rest from xs
  2. free the outer tuple of xs
  3. calculate add-int(x, 1) and increment(rest)
  4. allocate memory region using malloc to return the result
  5. store the calculated values to the pointer and return it

However, since the size of Cons(x, rest) and Cons(add-int(x, 1), increment(rest)) are known to be the same at compile-time, the pair of free and malloc should be able to be optimized away, as follows:

  1. obtain x and rest from xs
  2. calculate add-int(x, 1) and increment(rest)
  3. store the calculated values to xs (overwrite)

And Neut does this optimization. When a free is required, Neut looks for a malloc that is the same size and optimizes away such a pair if one exists. The resulting assembly code thus performs in-place updates.

Allocation Canceling and Branching

This optimization "penetrates" branching. For example, consider the following:

// (an `insert` function in bubble sort)
define insert(v: int, xs: int-list): int-list {
  match xs {
  | Nil =>
    // ...
  | Cons(y, ys) =>           // (X)
    if gt-int(v, y) {
      Cons(y, insert(v, ys)) // (Y)
    } else {
      Cons(v, Cons(y, ys))   // (Z)

At point (X), free against xs is required. However, this free can be canceled since mallocs of the same size can be found in all the possible branches (here, (Y) and (Z)). Thus, in the code above, the deallocation of xs at (X) is removed, and the memory region of xs is reused at (Y) and (Z), resulting in an in-place update of xs.

On the other hand, consider rewriting the code above into something like the following:

define foo(v: int, xs: int-list): int-list {
  match xs {
  | Nil =>
    // ...
  | Cons(y, ys) =>         // (X')
    if gt-int(v, y) {
      Nil                  // (Y')
    } else {
      Cons(v, Cons(y, ys)) // (Z')

At this time, the free against xs at (X') can't be optimized away since there exists a branch (namely, (Y')) that doesn't perform malloc that is of the same size as xs.

How Effective Is This Optimization?

Please see here.

Name Resolution

Resolving Module Aliases

Let's see how the name of a module alias is resolved. Here, the name of a module alias is something like the core in

import {,

define use-external-module-function(): text {
           // 🌟
  let value = in

When compiling a module, the compiler reads the field dependency in the module.ens and adds correspondences like the below to its internal state:

// alias => (the digest of the library)
core => "jIx5FxfoymZ-X0jLXGcALSwK4J7NlR1yCdXqH2ij67o"
foo-module => "JEpjuzZ0rlqxiVuCnD000jEKIA_Y6ku1L3J139h3M6Q"
bar-module => "zptXghmyD5druBl8kx2Qrei6O6fDsKCA7z2KoHp1aqA"

The compiler then resolves aliases like below:






Resolving this

Let's see how this is resolved. Here, this is a component of a global variables, like the below:

import {,

define use-my-function(): text {
           // 🌟
  let value = in

The first thing to note here is that every module is marked as "main" or "library" when running compilation. The main module is the module in which neut build is executed. Library modules are all the other modules that are necessary for compilation.

All the occurrences of this in the main module are kept intact during compilation. Thus, the resulting assembly file contains symbols like

On the other hand, all the occurrences of this in a library module are resolved into their corresponding digests. More specifically, when processing a library module, the compiler adds correspondences like the below:

// this => (the digest of the library)
this => "jIx5FxfoymZ-X0jLXGcALSwK4J7NlR1yCdXqH2ij67o"

The compiler then resolves this like below:


Thus, the resulting assembly file contains symbols like the above.

Trailing Commas and Leading Bars

Comma-Separated Sequences (And-Sequences)

Every comma-separated sequence like a, b, c can have a trailing comma like a, b, c,.

If a comma-separated sequence has a trailing comma, the sequence is formatted vertically by the built-in formatter.

Bar-Separated Sequences (Or-Sequences)

Every bar-separated sequence like a | b | c can have a leading bar like | a | b | c.

If a bar-separated sequence has a leading bar, the sequence is formatted vertically by the built-in formatter.

Compiler Configuration

The behavior of the compiler can be adjusted using the following environment variables:

Environment VariableMeaning
NEUT_CLANGthe command to call clang
NEUT_CORE_MODULE_DIGESTthe digest of the core module
NEUT_CORE_MODULE_URLthe URL of the core module

The default values are as follows:

Environment VariableDefault Value
NEUT_CORE_MODULE_DIGEST(undefined; you must set one)
NEUT_CORE_MODULE_URL(undefined; you must set one)

Other Basic Facts

  • Neut is call-by-value
  • Neut is impure
  • The type of main must be () -> unit
  • A module named core is treated specially (treated as the "prelude" library)
    • Syntactic constructs like [1, 2, 3] depends on functions in core