Rapid Prototyping

You can use the subcommand neut zen to sketch a function.

Below is an example in which Emacs runs neut zen path/to/file.nt when C-c C-c is typed:


This feels a bit like a scripting language, doesn't it?

Notes for Emacs

The configuration for Emacs in the above example is like the one below:

(defun ext/neut-compile ()
  (compile (concat "neut zen " (buffer-file-name))))

(bind-key "C-c C-c" 'ext/neut-compile 'neut-mode-map)

The above example also uses the package fancy-compilation:

(use-package fancy-compilation
  (fancy-compilation-mode t)
  (setq compilation-error-regexp-alist nil)
  (setq compilation-highlight-regexp nil)
  (setq compilation-mode-font-lock-keywords nil)
  (setq fancy-compilation-quiet-prelude t))