What is Next?
You can improve this book, this language, or this world by:
- Writing libraries or executables
- Opening PRs to fix typos, grammatical errors, or whatever in this book
- Finding bugs and reporting them on GitHub, hopefully with PRs
- Sharing the language on SNS
- Starring the repository
- ...
Introducing Some Libraries
I've been enjoying this language by myself and have written several libraries:
- ansi-terminal - A thin layer over ANSI escape sequences
- argot - A monadic CLI argment parser
- ars-postgres - A PostgreSQL client over libpq
- binary-builder - Constructs binary data efficiently
- dotenv - Locates and loads env files
- http-base - Provides basic HTTP entities
- json - Handles JSON values
- marshal - Saves and loads values using files
- noa - A test kit emphasizing the property-based approach
- path - Provides path-related operations
- rin - An HTTP client over libcurl
- socket - A thin layer over network sockets
- sui - An HTTP server
- time - Provides time-related operations
- zonk - A parser combinator
Hope you'll enjoy this too.