Modality and Memory

At first glance, the let-on stuff in the previous section might seem a bit artificial.

This let-on can actually be understood as a syntax sugar over the T-necessity operator. Below, we'll first see how Neut incorporates the necessity modality and then how let-on is desugared using the modality.

What You'll Learn Here

  • How layers in Neut are organized
  • How to introduce "boxed" terms
  • How to use "boxed" terms
  • How the borrowing-like operation in Neut is organized using the T-necessity operator

Introducing the Concept of Layers

For every type a, Neut has a type meta a. As we will see, this meta is a necessity operator, often written as in the literature.

In Neut, given e: a, you can create values of type meta a by writing something like box {e}. Here, the e is not arbitrary since, if so, we must admit propositions like a -> □a, making every truth a necessary truth.

In Neut, the condition that e must satisfy is described using layers. So, before using box, let's learn what layers are like.

The Basics of Layers

For every term in Neut, an integer value called layer is defined.

Let's see how layers are calculated. The layer of the body of a define is defined to be 0:

define foo(): unit {
  // here is layer 0

If you define a variable at layer N, the layer of the variable is also N:

// here is layer N

let x = Unit in
x // ← `x` is a variable at layer N

The layer of (an occurrence of) a constant is defined to be the layer in which the constant is used:

define my-func(): int {

define use-my-func() {
  // layer 0
  let v1 =
    my-func() // ← this `my-func` is at layer 0

  ... // ← some layer operations here

  // layer 3 (for example)
  let v2 =
    my-func() // ← this `my-func` is at layer 3


Terms that aren't related to modality won't change layers. For example, the following is the layer structure of function and let:

// here is layer N
function (x1: a1, ..., xn: an) {
  // here is layer N

// here is layer N
let x =
  // here is layer N
// here is layer N
// (x: a at layer N)

As long as you don't use modality-related terms, the layer of a term (and a subterm) is always 0.

Layers and Variables

In Neut, a variable defined at layer n can only be used at layer n. For example, the following is not a valid term:

define bar(): unit {
  // here is layer 0
  let x = Unit in // ← `x` is defined at layer 0

  ... // ← some layer operations here

  // layer 3 (for example)
  let v2 =
    x // ← ERROR


This is because the variable x is defined at layer 0 but used at layer 3 (≠ 0).

□-Introduction: Putting Values into Boxes

Now that we have layers, we can talk about how to interact with values of type meta a.


A term of type meta a can be created using the syntactic construct box.

The syntax of box is as follows:

// here is layer (n+1)
// - x1: &a1 at (n+1)
// - ...
// - xm: &am at (n+1)
box x1, ..., xm {
  // here is layer n
  // - x1: a1 at n
  // - ...
  // - xm: am at n

Given a term e: A, the type of box x1, ..., xn {e} is meta A.

Note that the types of xis must be of the form &A.

box turns &a1, ..., &an into a1, ..., an inside its body.


Operationally, box x1, ..., xn { e } copies all the x1, ..., xn and executes e:

box x1, ..., xn { e }


// psueudo-code
let x1 = copy(x1) in
let xn = copy(xn) in

As you can see from the above semantics, terms of type meta a have the same forms as a. Thus, the type meta a is compiled into the same closed function as a.


Let's see some examples. Below is an example of box:

define some-function(x: &int): meta int {
  // here is layer 0
  // (x: &int at 0)
  box x {
    // here is layer -1
    // (x: int at -1)

The sequence x1, ..., xn can be empty. Thus, below is also a valid term:

define box-unit(): meta unit {
  // here is layer 0
  box {
    // here is layer -1

On the other hand, below isn't a valid term:

define some-function(x: bool): meta bool {
  // here is layer 0
  box {
    // here is at layer -1

This is because the variable x is defined at layer 0 but used at layer -1.

□-elimination: Extracting Values from Boxes

We can extract values from a box using letbox.


The syntax of letbox is as follows:

letbox x on y1, ..., ym =

Or, with a bit verbose comments on layers and types:

// here is layer n
// - y1: a1 @ n
// - ...
// - ym: am @ n
letbox x on y1, ..., ym =
  // here is layer (n+1)
  // - y1: &a1 @ (n+1)
  // - ...
  // - ym: &am @ (n+1)
// here is layer n
// - y1: a1 @ n
// - ...
// - ym: am @ n

Given a boxed term e1: meta a, letbox binds it to x: a, and executes e2.


The operational semantics of letbox is as follows:

letbox x on y1, ..., ym = e1 in


// pseudo-code
let y1 = cast(from=a1, to=&a1, y1) in
let ym = cast(from=am, to=&am, ym) in
let x = e1 in
let y1 = cast(from=&a1, to=a1, y1) in
let ym = cast(from=&am, to=am, ym) in


Let's see some examples. Below is a simple example of letbox:

define use-letbox(): bool {
  let x = True in
  // here is layer 0
  letbox value =
    // here is layer 1
    box {
      // here is layer 0
  // here is layer 0

A bit more complex example:

// helper function
define from-noema(x: &bool): meta bool {
  box x {

define use-letbox(): bool {
  let x = True in
  let y = True in
  // here is layer 0
  // - x: bool @ 0
  // - y: bool @ 0
  letbox value on x =
    // here is layer 1
    // - x: &bool @ 1
    // - y:  bool @ 0

Below isn't a well-layered term:

define use-letbox(x: meta bool): bool {
  // here is layer 0
  letbox value =
    // here is layer 1
    x // ← error: the layer of `x` is 0 but used at layer 1

Combination of box and letbox

Let's see how box and letbox work in harmony with each other.

The Axiom K in Neut

We can prove the axiom K in the literature using box and letbox:

// Axiom K: □(a -> b) -> □a -> □b
define axiom-K<a, b>(f: meta (a) -> b, x: meta a): meta b {
  box {
    letbox f' = f in
    letbox x' = x in

In this sense, the meta is a necessity operator that satisfies the axiom K.

Don't confuse meta (a) -> b with (meta a) -> b.

Creating and Embodying a Noema

The following code creates a noema using letbox and embodies it using box:

define test-embody(): unit {
  let x: int = 1 in
  letbox result on x = // ← creates a noema
    box x { // ← embodies a noema
      add-int(x, 2)
  print-int(result) // → "3"

Borrowing a List

Let's take a look at a more "real-world" example (It's funny to say "real-world" when talking about modality). Suppose that we have the following function:

// returns `True` if and only if the input `xs` is empty.
is-empty: (xs: &list(int)) -> bool

You can use this function via box and letbox:

define borrow-and-check-if-empty(): unit {
  let xs: list(int) = [1, 2, 3] in
  // layer 0
  // (xs: list(int) @ 0)
  letbox result on xs =
    // layer 1
    // (xs: &list(int) @ 1)
    let b = is-empty(xs) in // ← using the borrowed `xs`
    if b {
      box {True}
    } else {
      box {False}
  // layer 0
  // (xs: list(int) @ 0)
  if result {
    print("xs is empty\n")
  } else {
    print("xs is not empty\n")

In the above example, the variable xs: list(int) is turned into a noema by letbox, and then used by is-empty. Since xs is a noema inside the letbox, the is-empty doesn't have to consume the list xs.

Quote: A Shorthand for Boxes

As in above, we can turn a bool into meta bool by doing something like this:

define wrap-bool(b: bool): meta bool {
  if b {
    box {True}
  } else {
    box {False}

You might find it a bit wordy. Indeed, this translation can be mechanically done on certain "simple" types. For example, we can do the same to either(bool, unit):

define wrap-either(x: either(bool, unit)): meta either(bool, unit) {
  match x {
  | Left(b) =>
    if b {
      box {Left(True)}
    } else {
      box {Left(False)}
  | Right(u) =>
    box {Right(Unit)}

We just have to decompose values and reconstruct them with box added.

Neut has a syntactic construct quote that bypasses these manual translations. Using quote, the above two functions can be rewritten into the following functions:

define wrap-bool(b: bool): meta bool {
  quote {b}

define wrap-either(x: either(bool, unit)): meta either(bool, unit) {
  quote {x}

The example of is-empty can now be rewritten as follows:

define foo(): unit {
  let xs: list(int) = [1, 2, 3] in
  // layer 0
  // (xs: list(int) @ 0)
  letbox result on xs =
    // layer 1
    // (xs: &list(int) @ 1)
    quote {is-empty(xs)}
  // layer 0
  // (xs: list(int) @ 0)
  if result {
    print("xs is empty\n")
  } else {
    print("xs is not empty\n")

quote cannot be used against types that might contain types of the form &a or (a) -> b. For example, quote cannot be applied against values of the following types:

  • &list(int)
  • (int) -> bool
  • either(bool, &list(int))
  • either(bool, (int) -> bool)

quote is after all just a shorthand.

□-elimination-T: Unboxing within the Current Layer

Remember the example of is-empty:

define borrow-and-check-if-empty(): unit {
  let xs: list(int) = [1, 2, 3] in
  letbox result on xs =
    // here is layer 1
    let b = is-empty(xs) in

Although the above term is valid, the term obtained by parameterizing is-empty is not valid:

define borrow-and-check-if-empty(is-empty: (&list(int)) -> bool): unit {
  let xs: list(int) = [1, 2, 3] in
  letbox result on xs =
    // here is layer 1
    let b = is-empty(xs) in // ← error

This is because the variable is-empty is defined at layer 0 but used at layer 1.

letbox-T is the loophole for such situations.


The syntax of letbox-T is as follows:

// here is layer n
// (y1: a1): a variable at layer n
// ...
// (ym: am): a variable at layer n
letbox-T x on y1, ..., yn =
  // here is layer n
  // (y1: &a1): a variable at layer n
  // ...
  // (ym: &am): a variable at layer n
// here is layer n
// (y1: a1): a variable at layer n
// ...
// (ym: am): a variable at layer n

That is, letbox-T is the same as letbox except that it doesn't change the layer structure.


The operational semantics of letbox-T is again the same as letbox:

letbox-T x on y1, ..., ym = e1 in


let y1 = unsafe-cast(a1, &a1, y1) in
let ym = unsafe-cast(am, &am, ym) in
let x = e1 in
let y1 = unsafe-cast(&a1, a1, y1) in
let ym = unsafe-cast(&am, am, ym) in

Example: Parameterizing a Callback

Using letbox-T, we can parameterize is-empty as follows:

define borrow-and-check-if-empty(is-empty: (&list(int)) -> bool): unit {
  let xs: list(int) = [1, 2, 3] in
  // layer 0
  // (xs: list(int) @ 0)
  // (is-empty: &list(int) -> bool @ 0)
  letbox-T result on xs =
    // layer 0
    // (xs: &list(int) @ 0)
    // (is-empty: &list(int) -> bool @ 0)
    let b = is-empty(xs) in
  // layer 0
  // (xs: list(int) @ 0)
  // (is-empty: &list(int) -> bool @ 0)

Note that the body of letbox-T in the example above is not layer 1 but layer 0.

Example: The Axiom T in Neut

You can prove the axiom T by using letbox-T:

// Axiom T: □a -> a
define axiom-T<a>(x: meta a): a {
  letbox-T tmp = x in

Note that the following is not well-layered:

define axiom-T<a>(x: meta a): a {
  letbox tmp = x in

since the variable x is defined at layer 0 but used at layer 1.

In this sense, the meta is a necessity operator that satisfies the axiom T.

(I know this is a bit too informal, but anyway)

Example: Desugaring let-on Using the T-necessity

Now we can desugar let-on as follows:

let x on y, z = e1 in


letbox-T x on y, z = quote {e1} in

and this is why the type of e1 must be restricted to some extent. Now we can see that those restrictions come from quote.

Layer Closedness of Functions

There's one last condition that we must require: every free variable in a function must be at the layer of function. For example, the following is not a valid term:

define use-function(x: meta int): meta () -> int {
  // layer 0
  let x = 10 in
  box {
    // layer -1
    function () {
      letbox value = x in

This is because the function is at layer -1, but the free variable x is at layer 0.

If it were not for this condition, the following would be well-typed and well-layered:

define joker(): () -> unit {
  // layer 0
  let xs: list(int) = [1, 2, 3] in
  letbox f on xs =
    // layer 1
    // xs: at 1
    box {
      // layer 0
      // 💫
      function () {
        letbox k =
          // 1
          let len =
            // using xs@1 in function@0
          box {Unit}

The inner function (💫), which depends on xs: &list(int), is bound to f after evaluating the outer letbox. Thus, we would be able to cause the dreaded use-after-free by deallocating xs and then calling the function f.

What You've Learned Here

  • Layer structures of box, letbox, letbox-T, and function
  • Using box or quote to create terms of type meta {..}
  • Using letbox or letbox-T to use terms of type meta {..}
  • Decomposition of let-on into letbox-T and quote