
The command neut has subcommands like neut build, neut get, etc. This section describes those subcommands.

Table of Contents

Common Notes

Subcommands and Modules

Most of the subcommands of neut must be executed inside a module. If you execute such a subcommand outside a module, the command will emit an error like the one below:

neut build foo
#=> Error: Couldn't find a module file (Context: /Users/foo/Desktop)

Only the following subcommands can be used outside a module:

  • neut create
  • neut version

Shared command line options:

Some subcommands share command line options. The list of them is as follows:

  • --no-color can be used to turn off ANSI colors

neut build

neut build builds the current module and creates executables. It also creates cache files of the source files for faster compilation.

neut build TARGET builds the target TARGET defined in module.ens. For example, suppose that the module.ens of a module contains the following section:

  // ..
  target {
    foo {
      main "foo.nt",
    bar {
      main "item/bar.nt",
  // ..

In this case, running neut build foo creates the executable foo by building the current module, using the main in foo.nt as the entry point.

The resulting binaries are put inside the module's build directory. You might want to use the option --install to copy those binaries.


# creates a sample project
neut create hello
cd hello

# build and run
neut build hello --execute # => "Hello, world!"

# build the module, copy the resulting binary, and execute the binary
neut build hello --install ./bin
./bin/hello #=> "Hello, world!"


If you pass --execute to neut build, the resulting binaries are executed after the build.

--install DIR

If you pass --install DIR to neut build, the resulting binaries are copied to the specified directory.

By default, neut build builds all the source files into object files and then links them all to create an executable. You can pass --skip-link to neut build to skip the last linking phase.


You can emit LLVM IR by passing --emit llvm to neut build. In this case, you must also pass --skip-link.


You can pass --mode {develop,release} like the below:

neut build my-app --mode release

If you don't specify --mode, the mode defaults to develop.

The value passed here can be obtained from source files by using introspect:

define foo(): unit {
  introspect build-mode {
  | release =>
    // ..
  | develop =>
    // ..


--end-of-entry ANY_STRING can be used to add separators between compiler diagnostics. This feature is for linter wrappers like flycheck.

For example, suppose we have this ill-typed program:

define main(): int {

When running neut build TARGET, the compiler reports errors like the below:

Error: Expected:
         () -> unit
         () -> int64
Error: Expected:

On the other hand, when running neut build TARGET --end-of-entry EOE, the text EOE is inserted after each entry:

Error: Expected:
         () -> unit
         () -> int64
Error: Expected:

These can be used to parse entries.

neut check

neut check type-checks all the files in the current module. It also creates cache files of the source files for faster compilation.


The compiler prints diagnostics without padding spaces if --no-padding is set.

Without --no-padding:

Error: Expected:
         () -> unit
         () -> int64
Error: Expected:

With --no-padding:

Error: Expected:
  () -> unit
  () -> int64
Error: Expected:

This option is for linter wrappers like flycheck.


The same as the one of neut build.

neut clean

neut clean removes the cache files in the current module's build directory.

More specifically, this command removes the following directory in the current module:


An example of a removed directory:


neut archive

neut archive VERSION creates a module tarball that can be used by neut get.

Notes on Versions

VERSION must be X1-X2-..-Xn, where all the integers are non-negative. For example, the following are valid versions:

  • 1-0
  • 0-1-0
  • 2-1-3
  • 0-0-0-3

When running neut archive VERSION, this command searches the archive directory to get all the compatible older versions. For example, suppose the archive directory contains the following files:

  • 1-0.tar.zst
  • 1-1.tar.zst
  • 2-0.tar.zst
  • 2-1.tar.zst

In this case, the command neut archive 2-2 searches the archive directory and gets 2-0 and 2-1 as the older compatible versions of 2-2. Here, these "older" versions are determined according to Semantic Versioning.

This command then does the following:

  1. Computes all the digests of these older compatible tarballs
  2. Creates a new module.ens that contains the list of the older digests
  3. Packs the ens file and the other required files to create a tarball 2-2.tar.zst

This digest information inside module.ens of 2-2.tar.zst should appear like the below:

  target {..},
  dependency {..},
  antecedent [
    "Bp8RulJ-XGTL9Eovre0yQupJpeS3lGNk8Q6QQYua7ag", // ← digest of 2-0.tar.zst
    "zptXghmyD5druBl8kx2Qrei6O6fDsKCA7z2KoHp1aqA", // ← digest of 2-1.tar.zst

This information is then used when resolving dependencies.

You can extract a resulting tarball to see that antecedent information is indeed there.

The module.ens in your module isn't modified by archive. This subcommand creates a new module.ens and put it into the tarball.

Using the Newest Compatible Version

Consider the following dependency relation:

  • Module A depends on B and C.
  • Module B depends on D (version 1.1).
  • Module C depends on D (version 1.2).
A ──> B ──> D (1.1)
└───> C ──> D (1.2)

Thanks to the antecedent information inside D (1.2), the compiler can detect that D (1.2) is a newer compatible module of D (1.1). The compiler utilizes this knowledge to rewrite the above relation into:

A ──> B ──┐
│         │
└───> C ──┴──> D (1.2)

The compiler always uses the newest compatible modules in the dependency relation by this procedure.

This rewriting won't work if the minor "compatible" version D (1.2) isn't compatible with D (1.1). This incompatibility is a bug of the library D (1.2) and should be fixed by the module author.

Utilizing the Compatibility Relation

As an exercise, suppose the following:

  1. Serious bugs were discovered in D (1.1) and D (1.2)
  2. The grave-look author of D released a bug-fix release D (1.3) in a hurry
  3. The happy authors of B and C are on a honeymoon vacation in Hawaii

In this case, we don't have to wait for the authors of B and C to update their dependencies. Instead, we can just add D (1.3) to our module's dependency:

A ──> B ──┐
│         │
├───> C ──┴──> D (1.2)
└────────────> D (1.3)

Then, the compiler automatically rewrites the above relation into:

A ──> B ───┐
│          │
├───> C ───┤
│          │
└──────────┴──> D (1.3)

So we don't have to rain on their happy parade in Waikiki Beach.

neut create

neut create NAME creates a directory ./NAME/ and adds files there to start a new project.

neut get

neut get ALIAS URL fetches and builds external modules specified by URL and adds it to the current module as a dependency under the name ALIAS.

neut get some-name

Here, the URL must be the URL of an archive that was created by neut archive.

After executing neut get, the information of the new module is saved to module.ens:

  target {
    // ..
  dependency {
    // ..
    // 🌟 (something like this is added automatically)
    some-name {
      digest "xNmQu6It81lGBy1sKvk5_jE4Qt8w8KgkVgGj0RBbbrk",
      mirror [
    // ..

The digest is the base64url-encoded checksum of the tarball.

The mirror is a list of URLs that can be used to obtain the tarball.

Modules in Neut are distinguished by their digests.

neut get can be used to "update" dependencies. Suppose you specify an existing ALIAS when running neut get ALIAS URL. In this case, if the digest of the new tarball isn't the same as the existing one, the existing dependency in the ens file is replaced by the newer one. If the digest is the same as the existing one, the URL is added to the list mirror.

You can remove a dependency in the ens file to "remove" the module from your module.

You can import dependencies from source files. See the notes on import in Statements for information on how to use definitions in external dependencies.

neut format-source

neut format-source path/to/source/file.nt formats specified source file and outputs the result to stdout.


When the option --in-place is set, format-source performs in-place update.

neut format-ens

neut format-ens path/to/source/file.ens formats specified ens file and outputs the result to stdout.

You can also pass - to receive input from stdin:

cat module.ens | neut format-ens -


When the option --in-place is set, format-source performs in-place update.

neut zen

neut zen path/to/source/file.nt builds and executes specified file as if it were an entry point.

The subcommand zen treats the function zen inside the given file as its entry point (that is, main).

Thus, the type of the function zen must be () -> unit:

define zen(): unit {
  print("hello, world!\n")

This command is intended to be used for rapid prototyping.

Please see Rapid Prototyping to see neut zen in action.

Zen Experience

Suppose that you created a new function deep inside your module.

You can technically create a test function for the function and check its behavior. Or modify the main function to call the new function just to see its behavior.

It might be, however, a bit cumbersome. We'd love to achieve rapid try-and-error cycles in certain circumstances.

You can use the command zen here. Suppose that a file some-file.nt contains a function foo that is defined as in the below:

define foo(x: int): int {

The behavior of foo can be inspected rapidly by defining a function named zen in the file:

// the type of `zen` must be `() -> unit`
define zen(): unit {

Then, execute the following command:

neut zen path/to/some-file.nt # => (the result of `foo(10)` is printed)

This can be done even if some-file.nt isn't an entrypoint of the module. You can think of functions named zen as alternative mains.

neut lsp

neut lsp starts the LSP server. The LSP server has features like linting, jump to definition, etc. More specifically, the LSP server supports the following LSP capabilities:

  • textDocument/didOpen (lint on open)
  • textDocument/didSave (lint on save)
  • textDocument/completion (complete)
  • textDocument/definition (jump to definition)
  • textDocument/documentHighlight (highlight symbols)
  • textDocument/references (find references)
  • textDocument/formatting (format)
  • textDocument/hover (show the type of a symbol)

For more information, please see Lovely LSP Showcase and Editor Setup.

neut version

neut version prints the version of the compiler.


neut version
#=> X.Y.Z